Question: Many people believe that it is very important to make large amounts of money, while others are satisfied to earn a comfortable living. Analyze each viewpoint and take a stand. Give specific reasons for your position.
1、 大量的钱可以使我们过上更舒适的生活。
2、 金钱只是物质交换的工具,满足舒适的生活已经足够。
i should say money is very important to us,no money means no life.but money is everything .i don't think so. surely,in current ,i you are rich,you will have more quality life than poor people. you may be have villa,have many servants ,you can afford highest hotel ,you have a lot of money for travelling,entertainment,anything if you want you can owned .that's true.but money is just a thing can imporve our life ,but can not do anything.we are emotional animal,we need affection,lover .these can not buyed by money.even if you owned more money then you may live a comfortable life,but ,if you only have money and no family no one love you,you are also called poorer