Nowadays college students have crazed for various certificates,according to their needs,they throw all their energy to through the exam in order to obtain the certificate,which has attracted the public's attention.Different people have different opinions,supporting it that they think, on the one hand, college students should try their best to give a certificate,if they have spare time they should do,on the other hand,some students are fond of some subjects,they might study hard to get the certificate,Besides,college students think their employment conditions become more and more hard,they need to obtain the certificate and will get a decent job.Others have opposed that they think some students don't know what they want and why they craze about it, so they will waste their time and energy.In my opinion,I view they should spend their more times in getting the certificate,if they have the certificate will get more chances to choose a better job.They can also obtain more knowledge through this course.