Online shopping has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. however, just as every cion has two saids, online shopping is not an unexcept it has both advantages and disadvantages. I'm an atended to take some further analyses as followings.Some people attach importance to the merit of brought online shopping,owing to its convenient for our lfe ,we can buy anything what we like stay at home.And online shopping is cheapper than traditional shopping.Yet,there are till some others who make a lot of complains about the nagetivity promoting online shopping ,due to that the quality is not ansure when we shopping the internet, and some retailer are cheat constomer. It is difficit to say that online shopping is good or not it genenral sa it denpends very much on the situation of people think the online shopping is more convenient.