Advertising encourage people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
I partly agree. Advertising is a tool to promote sales, but the sales can reflect the quality. It takes times, energy, capital, and labor force to develop some new products or services, to ensure those get paid off, certain advertisements must be employed to accelerate sales. Nowadays, it is hard for any businesses to survive without highlighting its quality, this can be proved by the bankruptcy of Sanlu company due to additives scandal. Once business loses its credits, it will lose everything. To compete with rivals, quality is a big issue to be prioritized by any businesses. Sales reflect the quality, thus no advertising can conceal the quality issue. We can have noticed that numerous brands appeared and disappeared in the past, from the acquisition of Nokia by Microsoft, to the transformation of Kodak Company, and now is the fierce competition between Susang and Apple. market tells what is good. People are becoming more and rational in consumption, especially when there are so many options offered, so advertising may exert a less impact on the behavior of customers than before. Advertising is some performances presented by businesses, and the judges are always the market.