Some people think governments should spend moneyon measures to save languages with few speakers from dying outcompletely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
本题是新题,为语言文化类话题与政府决策类话题的结合。题型仍为Argumentation/ Discursive 强制双边。
1. Every year several languages die out.Some people think that it is not important and that life will bemade easier if there are few languages in the world. To what extentdo you agree or disagree?
2. Some people think that we shouldinvent a new language for internationalcommunication. Do the benefits of this outweigh theproblems?
I. Introduction:
1. 背景:全球化的使得文化间的联系空前地紧密,但是与此同时也威胁了那些少数人使用的语言的生存。Globalisation has been bringing theworld closer than ever before. However, it poses a serious threatto the survival of minority languages, which are spoken by fewpeople.
2. 主题:因此有人提出政府应该承担起保护这些小语种的责任,但是反对者则认为这会给政府施加沉重的经济负担。Therefore, some raise the idea thatit should be the government that should shoulder the responsibilityof preserving these minority languages, while critics maintain thatit will impose a heavy financial burden to thegovernment.
3.观点:我个人认为,政府出资固然有效,但是也要依靠其它的措施。From my perspective, while governmentfunding is effective to some extent, other measures should also betaken.
II. Body 1:政府投资保护小语种的意义和优势
1. 语言的意义
2. 政府出资保护的优势
II. Body 2:政府投资保护小语种的弊端
1. 浪费纳税人的钱
IV. Conclusion:有利有弊
1. 重申观点:政府出资保护语言固然是应该的,但是也应当以保证人民的生活为前提。Government funding is indeedessential for language preservation, but it should be based on thepremise that people’s basic requirement are satisfied.
2. 提出建议:小语种的保护不仅应当靠政府,也要通过媒体、社会、学校和人民的共同努力。The preservation of minoritylanguages depends upon not only the financial support of thegovernment, but also the joint efforts of mass media, schools,people and society as a whole.
1.ambiguity 歧义
2.denotation 字面意思
3.connotation 暗含意思
4.impractical 不切实际的
5. intellectualdevelopment 智力发展
6.interaction 交流
7. thinkingcapacity 思考能力
8. universallanguage 世界语
9.linguistic studies 语言学研究
10. a means ofcommunication 一种交流工具
11. mechanicaltranslation 机械翻译
12.untranslatable 不宜翻译的
13. develop linguisticskills 培养语言技能
14. verbalcommunication 口头交流
15.grammatical rules 语法规则
16.context 语境
17.core 核心
18.translation 笔译
19.interpretation 口译
20. a complexprogress 一个复杂过程
21.cream 精华
22. cultivate logicalthinking 培养逻辑思维
23.obscure 晦涩的
24.readability 朗朗上口
25. an unrealisticdream 一个不切实际的梦想
26. comprehensiveknowledge 全面的知识
27. communicate with others directly,and freely 与他人直接自由交流
28. face-to-facecommunication 面对面交流
29. stimulate one’sinterest 激发了…的兴趣
30.artificial intelligence 人工智能
31. help children learn a foreignlanguage in a more vivid and interactiveway 帮助孩子更生动,互动地学习一门外语
32.miraculous 令人惊叹的
33. increaseefficiency 提高效率
34. easyaccessibility 易于操作
35. makeastounding advances 突飞猛进
36. enrich the teaching and learningmethods 丰富了教学手段
37.expertise 专业知识
38.flourishing 繁荣兴旺的
39. speedycommunication 快速的交流
40. read between thelines 读懂暗含的意思
41. languageacquisition 语言习得
42.term 术语
43.implication 含义
44. be fully awareof… 充分意识到…
45.optimistic 乐观的
46.pessimistic 悲观的
47.drawback 弊端
48. preciousgift 宝贵的礼物
49.linguist 语言学家
50.mission impossible 不可能的任务
Some measures should be taken to deal with the minority languages, that is a consensus that has been recognized by governments around the world. While some people oppose this action for the sake of financial burden. Just like some old items finally ended up with lying in the museum, the same can be said for the minority languages. Since no body willing to use these languages any more, why on earth should we keep it? If that comes down to government investment, that would be a little bit too far. Quite a few people think in that way, by the first glimpse. But that's not the case as most of us had imagined. Since human appeared, they spread across the planet during the past ten thousand years and developed varied languages. These languages were created based upon our ancestors' understanding of the world, life and their wisdom. It records the mythology, history, experiences of one nation, which should not be valued by money. To protect these languages, government should invest money in all kinds of measures. For instance, set up funds to do research and records of endangered languages and establish schools to teach and promote theses languages and build special websites to encourage the communications and facilitating the connection between the languages and the Internet. We have done a lot in protecting biodiversity, so it's simply not enough to ask for government's part in this work. Only by making all of us realized that it's our duty to protect these endangered languages, can we better protect them well.