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字数:300 满分:100分
As students, for more of us who have not do the part-time jobs or the money we earn is not enought are still use the money earned by our parents hard work, I hold the opinion that we,not a little child now, should save the money in our daily life as we can. One reason I take is that our parents have done lots of thing to bring out us, and with we got old day by day, the whirt hair burn on their heard. Nowsdays, Not the children knowing nothing, we should try our best to make our parents more easy, from the need of money staring.While the another reason is that we will leave the school and do all of thing by ourselves, so we need to learn collect the money from now.Bring the good hobby, saving money, will do good for our future life. In a word, I am so hand on the action that collest the money in our daily life. Maybe there are many people thinking that it is not neccesary, we just do what we think is right.