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您现在的位置:首页> 高中> 高一英语> 模拟题> 高一英语作文模拟题:我的家乡


发布时间:2013-05-16 16:20浏览次数:22571
过去:家乡小镇绿树环抱;小河清清鱼儿嬉戏;房屋简陋 街道狭窄;人们劳作生活清贫;现在:高楼大厦厂店林立;大小车辆驰骋街头;工业发展环境恶化;树木减少鱼儿消失;治理污染当务之急。


These five young boys—age from 18 to 20, are so famous and so successful nowadays. Their voice, their songs, their performances are known by thousands and thousands of people. More and more people know these five people; more and more people knows the legend they developed; more and more people becoming their crazy fans seconds after seconds… They are the five miracles, they are irreplaceable, they are a group, they are brothers, they are a family. This is 1D. Those five miracles: Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson. When they first met at the famous ‘the X Factor’, they never dreamed of the possibility that they will be a band and sing together, but followed the judges advises, they tried to become a powerful team and got the third at last. After that, they became a true team, five brothers who lived together, who helped each other, who joked with each other, who became parts of each others lives. And they did it! After the show, the five of them started a new life, and began their star-journey, the five young men got out their first album—‘what makes you beautiful’ in 11.9.2011, the number of the selling of the album was amazing, the band One Direction suddenly became the most famous of the world, fans from everywhere were shouting their names, girls or boys; children or adults; old or young, were all attracted by these five handsome young men, even------Even the queen of England, Elisabeth the second, was their fans, they visited her in Nov.2012, how cool it will be to meet the president, the queen of you country! They sang the song “what makes you beautiful” at the closing ceremony of the London Olympic Games, and that was the time that I first knew them. At first sight, I was moved by their beautiful voices, their handsome appearance, their smiles are like a rainbow across the sky. At once, I was attracted to them, I listen to their songs in the cars, when lying on the sofa, during breakfast…I search their lives, their birthdays… and at once I was amazed at the similar pieces— While looking at Zayn Malik, I felt that I was looking at myself through a magical mirror: his constellation is Capricorns, the same as me; his blood type is B, the same as me; he loves red and blue, the same as me; he loves Harry Potter, the same as me! Oh! What a coincidence, what a miracle! One Direction surly came into a part of my life, I hope they will soon have a concert in China and when they come, I will go there and nothing will stop me!!!











