Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your opinion and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.题目解读:
Scientific research plays a big role in promoting the productivity of our society, both government and provate companies have their own advantages and disadvantages in operating this activity. It is better for the two parties to corporate with each other topromote the science development. Governent had made great contribution to science development in the history, a good knows example would be the invention of nuclear weapon by USA during World War II. At the time, US government collected numorous talents and resources to start this huge task, which in no mean can be done by a single prinvate company. Later, this nuclear technology turned into civil use, and generated considerable poewer for humans. So it's obvious that government can effectively concentrate more resources needed by complex and challengble tasks. Government can also release preferential policies and funds to encourage private company to practice innovations. So, government generally should serve the market and private company to develop scienctific research for human use, instead of munipulate by itself, except those called for unified resources. Private companies have more vatility in complying with the market trend and developing new technologies. Especially in this era of internet, we can see fierce competitions between private companies, like Sunsung versus Apple, as a result, new technology revolutionized our way of life. But for fundenmental researches, private companies are less competent than the government, or they need some supports from the government to fullfill. Also, some ethic problem like clone and environmental probems involed also need the displine of the government. In conclusion, government and company all have their chances to lead the scientific research, the foremost thing is how to achieve the goal at the lowest cost, and comtribute to the wellbeing of the scoiety.