As is vividly demonstrated in the drawing above,no matter how heavy the storm is,a flower shielded by the tent is capable of growing healthily.Nevertheless,when taken it out of the tent,it withers promptly,the leaves dropping on the ground anywhere. The potential meaning of the drawing aims to remind us of the importance of independence.Independence is deemed as a necessary ingredient to a successful life,which is doomed to yield great returns.One who is independent has his own thoughts and willingly integrate theory with practice,which will benefit him in a certain way.Meanwhile,although those who are independent suffer from more setbacks and failures,they will draw more experiences and lessons from the past,which,to varying degrees,bridge the enormous gap between the dream and reality.In contrast,if one is invariably immersed in the protection of his parents,chances are that,he ceases to be in the possession of sufficient courage and power to get access to success,let alone to be the backbone of our country. It is no exaggeration to say that independence exerts tremendous influence on our daily life,which is associated with whether we have the ability to bear frustration and agony and surveys as a living proof whether we lead a meaningful life.The more independence you have, the more likely it is you'll succeed.How magnificent our life would be did we take independence seriously.