Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Snap judgments can never be trusted.
Use reasons and examples to support your opinion.
No one can deny traditional book-based libraries are now, step by step, shifting towards the digital. This, indeed, changes the paradigm by which we access information and facilitates our daily routine. However, some take a strong stance against this trend, claiming hi-tech media take up too many resources. In fact, I disagree with this statement. It is true that paper books, in a degree, cater to some library users’ reading habits. Surely, they enjoy the smell of old books, the yellowed paper or even the rustling sounds as they turn the pages. In addition, paper books, contrary to multimedia devices, are less likely to cause eye strain or sore muscles. Besides, multimedia information must be accessed through electronic devices like laptops, iPad or cellphones, thus causing countless distractions, for example, video games, text messaging or gossip websites. Books, by contrast, enable one to concentrate on studies or work. Despite this, one has to admit hi-tech media, to a large extent, enable libraries to operate smoothly. First, devices such as DVDs or computers always store larger chunks of data or information than books. Therefore, this helps libraries to cut expenses and save space for the storage of paper books. Second, as books are digitized, it provides a user with easy access to the key information he wants. Evidently, even with the help of catalogs and indexes, it is still tough for one to precisely locate certain phrases or key paragraphs in a paper book. However, multimedia devices and electronic search tools can help one to find the exact information instantly. Last but not least, media resources like films, cassettes or videotapes are highly interactive, thus engaging kids whose attention span is quite short. After all, paper books only offer tedious textual information, which might distract teens easily. To conclude, my suggestion is that public libraries must offer both multimedia resources and a broad range of paper books to users. In this way, it best meets different readers’ needs.