As the picture description, there are two men when their milk bottle dropped on the ground, the different information is expressed on their face, the left one disappointing and dissatisfying and the right one pick it with smiles. It's noted that the cartoonist tries to express his view that optimism and objection on the disadvantaging situation are necessary. To my point, optimistic attitudes in life and in work place are utmost. Not all things in our life are pleased and satisfied, with dissatisfying, dismissing, failing and some time even experiencing the serious loss in our body and health, it is the real life. In consequence, the optimism and non pessimism when we are in trouble is required. For one thing, the pessimistic mentality which is harmful to our health, is a kind of way of wasting time to discover an effective strategy and way to cope with the loss; the correct and effective method is actively seeking the available resources and helpful information for saving loss and unnecessary damages. Secondly, easygoing and open-minded people are easier to make friends who can supply and introduce novelty and helpfulness advice and precious suggestion, and make their fellows comfortable and confident and also to themselves. At the same time, they keep enough confidence and take optimistically measures to all the difficulties which can be not overcome by the average people. It is obvious that the difficulties in the life and study and work are not the deadly diseases like cancer, we must have the encouragement to cope and bravely and optimistically face to them. Please impress into your mind, there always the methods are more than difficulties.