In accordance with what is detailedly depicted in the pie chart above,we can observe that the percentage of consumption of diverse life aspects is different.The main expenditure of an average Beijing family is spent on food,which accounts for 25% of its total expenditure.The next two significant expending items are transport and housing,which are 15% and 12%respectively.According to these figures which is given in above-mentioned,folks can easily see that the cost of living in Beijing is very high. It is no difficult for us to put forward some factors responsible for this phenomenon.In the first place,food and housing are the two main necessities for human's survival,which has been intensively grasped by the profit seeking merchants.In the light of a recent Internet survey,approximately 65% real estate corporations have bought the flats of their own in order to push up the housing price.In the second place,the speeding up economy which leads to the constant rise of overall products.In the third place,the average income of common citizens still remains at a relative low level compared to the soaring inflation rate. Taking into account seriously what has been discussed so far,it is an evident fact that the current situation is no good for the provincial civilians who struggle to survive in Beijing.Needless to say,we should take some drastic measures to alleviate the worsening trend,if we want to attract more talent from other places.