It is my believe that the meaning of life is to make our limited life to be infinite. Because the time that we stay in the world is finite and there are so many things in the world need to be done. For these reasons, it is better for us to do something selectively. So, how do i make a choice for deciding the things that is valuable for us to do. Just as the remark"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." shows us, it is better for us to spend time in something that will improve our recognition and encourage us to chanllege ourselves to see a different world. For instance, reading is a good way to recieve new ideas and help us think insightfully, from which we can understand many things that happened to us better. Writing is also a fuctional tools for us to record things and catch our feelings. Besides, it is more significant to love people around us,and help them when they are in need. Conclusively, improving yourself and loving others will outlast our lives.