the greatul life in my campus as for me ,i was a senior student in my usual life is changble and meanningful.why i say this? frist,it is the necessary that use your time rationaly.expect your class time ,commutting time,everyone of us are have so many times to do somethins to fulfilling and enrich us .such as :learn a second foreign language ,or to read more extracurruculem books for our shortviews.second,it is the best time for us to exercise every.the regular sports can help us body;s more stronger,more can according it with your spare time.the last one is to find a part time jobs to earn money to support yourself for some spendings finally,i want to express that our college life is good time to help us to rebulid our life.and it is a necessary steps in our lifes .and the same time ,i know there is no same leaves in the world.your life depend on how you are lived .