To be frank, I am not sure of what idea this cartoon is trying to tell us. It depicts a lady holding a mug with her left-hand, standing by the door in a meaningless face and a man who is sitting in front of the computer turn his head right, complaining the misleading information on the Internet to the lady. From my perspective, the given drawing is trying to convince us not to trust and disturbed by the numerous fake news and misleading comments on the Internet. Actually, I think that prompt is really convincing, which reminds me a serious social medical malpractice related to Baidu.Inc. As we all noticed that when you surfing the net using Baidu Search Engine, it will deliver you some ads depending on what you have just searched. This is the main causes of the social issue I mentioned above. Baidu recommend the misleading messages to the victim who needs to find an affordable hospital and caused/made him dead. This is no doubt a serious signal to promote netizens to keep their own mind clearly when using the Internet and do not be so foolish. I've learned a sentence called ' Seeing sometimes is not believing '. To an individual, I advocate that we should pay due attention to what is right when we looking through those instant messages online, and develop the ability to distinguish authentic information from the fake one. From the social aspect, the government has to be a great part in preventing misleading messages from harming people by enforcing the implementation of the related policy or law. Anyway, whatever we do can't clear the misinformation out of the net right away, we should handle this step by step with an adequate patient.