when you ask the peoplet what the happiness is,the views will vary from persom to person on it. the majority of people consider the happiness is that doing something makes "the troubles" be away from themselves.for example ,when meeting the chanlenge,they take actions to escape from it instead of to solve it .the kind of people will be so afraid of failure that when the trouble comes,they only occupy everything except courage. while others are against the above people.instead they like to chanlenge to themselves.they suppose that the hard time can make them stronger 、wiser and brave.doing that will strengthen their ability to solve the problems.when they achieve it ,they will be quite happy. as for me .i approve of the latter.escaping cannot solve any problem,it can only bring depression to you and that will make you a real loser let alone happiness.the only way to attain happiness is to deal with them rather than to hope not to be the absence of problems.