It's unwised to make conclusion insisitantly just according to what you have saw or heard As a proverb says“there’s a tiger due to three people had say like this ”,no matter what things, once you make a conclusion by others mouth, it's more probably untruth. In the one hands,make a decesion or cinclusion just through what others told to you extremely is misleading. In the ancient dynasties of china, so much false conclusion was made due to those misleading comments even a cunning was been apply widely-divide the total.It's obviously that no one emperor can be stay for a long time. In the other other hands,make a conclusion just judge from what you have see is unwised. Anything has a startting and a endding, what we are seeing just a part of the "things system" ,we can hardly extinduish the real truth about things. Thus,we'd better to be a wised man.Think carefully about what you hear and what you see before you reach a conclusion.