为了进一步实施素质教育,山东省所有初中学生都能享受到两天的周末自由时间。在这两天的时间里,有的学生走进图书馆、书店充实自己的知识;有的加入体育俱乐部,健身强体;有的积极参加社会实践活动;还有的在家帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务……你是怎么度过的?你对两天周末有何看法?请以Finally, Week Ends为题写一篇80词左右的文章。
1、素质教育quality education两天周末 two-day-weekend 充实,丰富enrich社会实践social practice 社会society
Now , our school stops weekend classes. I think it's a good thing for us. In the weekends, I sometimes go library to read my favorite books to enrich my knowledge, sometimes play basketball with my friends to keep healthy,and every Sunday, I go to Wanjiafu supermarket to serve people there. I think it offers me a good chance to take part in social pratice. And because each person must have many skills, it is very important for us as students to have two-day-weekend to do something good for society.