There is a principle in investment area and that is one can reduce risk by means of distributing investment, which is useful and definately truly to be applied to our usual life. As we all know that it is un wise to put all eggs in one basket. What the principle trying to persuade us is everything has chance as well as risk, therefore if we put all eggs in one basket and ignorant other accessible approaches or things we may lose those benifits that we deserved or even the unbelievable results that we have chance to get. When people pursuit of their career, this principle reminds us that people can improve themselves in various of ways like earning certificents of different areas, cultivating diverse interests and making acquaintance with different kind of people,ect. With the development of the artificial intellgence, it is an improtant way to aviod unemployment. However, if we always fix our eyes at one area we may lose other chances when risk comes. So as other aspects in our lives, distributing your eggs in different basket can deliver you benifits and avoid risks.