No matter how talented we are, parenting is always an important fact that influence us to make successful future. Different families have different methods to educate teenagers. Some parents are so strict that the adolescent isn't allowed to express his or her opinions, which will make more conflict between parents and teenagers. While some parents set no limits to their kids, which means overly permissive style. Teenagers are prone to do wrong things if their parents are permissive. My family is filled with democratic atmosphere. When I was in middle school, my parents began to let me make decisions by myself. They would also give some critical advice when I was confused about some things. Although my parents are supportive, they set few limits to me. But we seldom quarrel. And they are proud because their daughter is confident and goes to a famous university where she getst good grades in the first year. For me, they're not only my parents, but also friends and listeners. I'm grateful because it is my parents who make me more braver and let me know how to think critically. Bacause of my parents, I go on right way which leads me to my dream. However, my cousin isn't as lucky as me. My uncle and aunt set no limits to him, which makes him spoilt and rude. In this parenting pattern, my cousin can't understood how hard his parents are and how difficult to earn money. He dropped out of school last year and began to smoke and drink wine with his "friends", which made his parents so sad and painful. In my opinoin, a democtatic style of parenting is more suitable to most teenagers, which can develop their character and help them to think carefully. When they are in a dilemma, they will be positive and say "Let's think!", which makes them solve problems successfully and get more satisfaction about themselves.