It is unwised to make judgements and decisions at once by what you see or liseten.Once there was a little horse Didi who leaving home made a trip all by itself without the mother's accompany for the first time.Everthing went well until a river came into Didi's eyes cuting off his way of the first adventure in life. Not knowing how deep the river was,Didi did not know whether to go on the trip accrossing the river or went back home if it was too deep for him.At that time,a squrral yieling at him,'Don't go into that river,it is so deep that one of my friends drawned in it yesterday!'Didi scared to stand back several steps at once.However,another voice arosed,'Don't listen to her,the river is not that deep.It just as deep as my knees.'Didi looked around,seeing a cow walking toward him speak.Being confused,Didi decided to went back home to seeking answer from mum.Mum told him,'Why don't you have a try by yourself?'Once again back to the river,Didi made its own try by steping into the river.He found surprisingly that the river was neither deep as the squrral said nor shallow as the cow told him.The water was as deep as half its body.Happily across the river,Didi knew that one must make judgements and decisions by his or her own try but not what they saw or listened.