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a good virtue——saving money In some people's eyes, collecting all kinds of coupons and looking for group-buy deals are effective approaches to saving money. However, other people maintain the idea that all this may not make us smart customers.From my standpoint,I advocate the former opinion. So,what makes smart customers on earth? A customer who is passionate about bargains is not that strange. This is a nature of the human beings. Cheap goods doesn't mean it is not useful or worthwhile. There is one famous saying goes, “Something appropriate suits oneself best”.It is superficial that the objects displayed in the window are judged by their price.Since it is not easy to earn money,every penny acquired should be made fully use of.But saving money is not equal to be a mean person and it do encourages right consuming concept. In balance, saving money is one of the fine traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.Therefore, it is a must to develop and promote this virtuous behavior.