The book is a story about a fourteen-year-old boy named Pat Schuler, who lived in the Township of Waunoqua Heights, Wisconsin. Both Pat and the township are undergoing the changes that inevitably accompany growing of age. The author uses the daily life experiences of Pat to capture the excitement and pain of the boy’s loss of innocence, and tells us what on earth the adventures did the young outlaw have by touching on subjects that were taboo in the nineteenth century. The translation work is chapter seven. This chapter mainly talks about the first softball game between the Apple Apaches (Pat’s team) against Jim’s Texaco Tigers. Though Pat’s team failed, they still believe they are the best team, and continued the adventures they were always having. Then Pat asked his good friend Freddy to have another visit to their good friend, Wag’s place, where there are swamp, river and island, a wonderful place to relax and get close to the nature. So Pat likes the way of escaping from his folks’ rules though without their approval, and enjoys the freedom away from his school and study.