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您现在的位置:首页> 大学英语> 英语四级> 真题> 2014年6月英语四级作文真题附范文(第2套):A Beautiful City in China

2014年6月英语四级作文真题附范文(第2套):A Beautiful City in China

发布时间:2014-07-03 14:38浏览次数:70881
Suppose a foreign friend of yours is going to visit your hometown,what is the most interestingplace you would like to take him/her to see and why?


After the start of the new semester, many students who have just spent the summer vacation will return to campus with their smartphones. Research shows that many primary school students now have their own mobile phones, but in the end, is this product of the new era a great tool to help learning and communication, or will it greatly distract children's attention? During the two sessions last year, Lei Yanqin, the deputy of the National People's Congress of Jiangxi delegation and the head of Zhangping She nationality township of Guixi City, submitted the proposal on banning primary and secondary school students from using smart phones on campus to the second session of the 13th National People's Congress. "Don't look up at the blackboard, just look down at the mobile phone." Lei Yanqin introduced in the proposal that, with the widespread popularity of smart phones in the minors, the use of smart phones by primary and secondary school students in school has disturbed the normal teaching order. Students only think about the things they like in mobile phones, and can not teach normally at all, not only affecting themselves, but also the surrounding students. Some of the school's management measures have also been questioned by students and parents. "Some schools have installed mobile phone signal shielding devices, resulting in the accidental injury of surrounding residents and can't make a phone call; a middle school requires students to bring their mobile phones to the school and hand them in, otherwise they will be destroyed once they are found, resulting in parents' claims..." Lei Yanqin pointed out in the proposal that the management of smart phones has become a problem for primary and secondary schools. Many primary and secondary school students use smart phones to pay more attention to their entertainment functions. They play games whenever they have time, and even play games in class. Wechat and QQ chat delay their studies and affect the classroom order. What's more, using the Internet function of smart phones to do homework can "perfect" the answer without thinking, and students' ability of independent thinking is greatly reduced. There are not only problems in learning, but also problems in playing with mobile phones when students should have rest and exercise during recess, which leads to lack of exercise and decline in physical quality; when students play with mobile phones for a long time, their eyesight will drop rapidly, which will also bring different degrees of damage to the cervical spine and spine. According to the authoritative data of psychological counseling institutions, in recent years, more than 60% of the cases of psychological counseling for children's addiction to the Internet have asked for psychological counseling. According to the statistical report on the development of China's Internet, as of December 2017, the number of Internet users in China reached 772 million, of which the largest group was students, accounting for 25.4%, while the youth aged 12-16 were the high incidence of Internet addiction. On the one hand, students tend to form the trend of comparison and feel that the style and function of their mobile phones are inferior to those of other students, and the result of blind pursuit is the distortion of values; on the other hand, there are different information between the good and the bad on the network, which will bring unhealthy psychological and even ideological bad cognition to students. To sum up, we must prohibit mobile phones from entering the campus. First of all, we should introduce document laws and regulations to prohibit smart phones from entering the campus; second, we should create a good environment for students through home school interaction. To achieve the above two points in the case of enriching extra-curricular activities, not only to solve the harm of mobile phones, but also to better ensure the physical and mental health of students.











