In the day and age, a single one just can achieve a little, while a team may make a great success in high technology, science and any other field that is essential to human beings. It is of great importance to cooperate in team in workplace, and the key to a productive team is that all the members have the same goal and are willing to do the utmost to achieve it together. All above is the core of team spirit, admittedly, we can not ignore the importance of team spirit and communication in workplace. Taking a look around, one can find examples too many to enumerate. In a project, there are many kinds of tasks to be done with, such as communicating with clients, collecting information, analyzing data and so on. Actually, different people are good at different parts, therefore, working in a team and dealing with the project together is the best option for a company. In this way, everyone can contribute the best to the team and communicate with each other fluently, so that they can accomplish the project in high speed. What’s more, just as the saying goes, “ unity is power”, a finger can only point to one thing, ten fingers can do everything wanted or required. Unity is the necessity of a team, called team spirit. If every member in a team has different goals and work in a same office without communicating, they are not far from being dismissed. How crucial the team spirit and communication in workplace are! In my opinion, team spirit is unity as everyone has the same ultimate goal and tries his best to achieve it, efficiency as everyone can show his best in a team, and make his skills an advantage of a team, and free as everyone can communicate with each other freely, no matter suggestions or complaints. There is no deny that a team with better team spirit and more frequent communication can achieve more in a company.