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With disruptive technologies, new ways of shopping, such as online sales and live-streaming ecommerce, are emerging rapidly. Consumers get bombarded with coupons and benefits, spending relentlessly on unnecessary goods, which is not a sensible way. Buying things with discount or coupons does save money. Yet consumers may be mired in traps set by vendors. Salers take advantage of consumer psychology to push consumers to spend money by issuing coupons and lauching limited goods. For fear of missing out, consumers tend to buy unnecessary goods, which is virtually a way of wasting money. Besides, life is full of unexpected incidents. It's normal that we ecounter some emergent situation where some goods are needed coinciding with non-discount season. In a word, coupons can save money but they are also can waste money. When to buy things depend not on when the goods are in sale but on when you need. So the smart way to save money is to spend it when necessary.