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您现在的位置:首页> 大学英语> 专业四级> 真题> 2012年专四作文真题:端午节


发布时间:2013-05-18 11:51浏览次数:6189
题目 The Dragon Boat Festival
说明 The Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)is one of the important national festivals in China.Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic The Dragon Boat Festival First, you should tell what you know about the festival Second, you should describe how you or other people usually observe the festival Marks will be awarded for content, organization language and appropriateness Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks
1.in the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement
2.in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details
3.in the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.


I held my father's arm tightly and could not say a decent word. The scene I had just seen lingered in my mind for a long time. The air seemed to retain a smell of blood, and the fear emanating from inside and out made me tremble. I looked helplessly at the two adults beside me, trying to convey something to them through my eyes. "Gensheng, Gensheng. Where is he? Have you seen him?" Gensheng's wife asked me agitator. I felt her fear and tension from her trembling and hoarse voice, just like a stained bowstring, which would break at any time. Her tears, like the unstoppable raindrops, ran down her cheeks, and her messy hair futtered in the wind. "Come on, Alin! What did you meet? Where is Gensheng?" Dad was also very nervous. It was obvious that he was trying to make his voice sound less irritable. He patted me on the back, hoping to ease my fears. At that moment, I was like a person who lost the function of speaking and could not say a complete sentence. "Gensheng... Gensheng... he's in... hurry up... follow me!" I used all my strength to spit out a desultory sentence, after that I grabbed my father's hand and ran. The woman was barefooted behind us The moon rose over the edge of the wood, casting a cold light that emblazed the grass-covered path, and sprinkled tiny fragments of the light in the shadows of the trees on the night scene. From time to time, the cries of some unknown animal came from the woods. The wind was whistling in my ears, almost drying my sweat. The coolness from my head spread all over my body. There was only one thought in my heart which was "hurry up" I took them along the way I came and found the dark pit I marked, which was the trap the village hunters used to hunt. I guess Gensheng accidentally fell into the pit when he ran away. Because the pit mouth was too deep, he was not found by the people who were chasing him. At the same time, because he was seriously injured that lost the ability to save himself. Just now I was chasing my father's footsteps. On the way, I heard a strange sound, intermittent and feeble, as if someone was seeking help. I followed the sound then scraped away the branches and weeds with my hands. I was surprised to see a man curling up in a trap about seven feet deep, whining. It's not someone else. It's the man whom we were waiting for! He seemed to be so unconscious that he couldn't speak clearly. Perhaps it was his strength of will that sustained him making a few whimpering noises to attract the attention of passers-by. There were also numerous wounds on his body, his face was pale and his clothes were ragged. It was not clear whether the blood was gushing from his abdomen or from that part of his body, and the air was filled with blood and mud. Terror gripped me like a monster. I was so frightened that I could not make a sound and froze. He seemed to feel someone at the mouth of the pit, and he began to moan again. I came back to myself and ran as fast as I could in my father's direction without hesitation. There was only one thought in my mind-hurry up! "Gensheng.Gensheng.can you hear me?" The woman was lying on the top of the pit and yelling at the bottom again and again, but no one answered her. "Go and ask the men in the boat to come and help me, hurry up" Father urged me. I used all my energy to run to the river, where our boat was moored. On the way, I didn't know how many times I've been rowed by the branches that grow on the road. All I wanted was just to run fast. The moonlight in the night sky is reflected on the water surface, and the night wind blows, sparkling, like a huge mirror. The passengers on the boat were still discussing the reasons for Gen Sheng's lateness. The atmosphere here was nothing but tension in the woods. I called the two men who were on the boat and took a bundle of ropes. Then the three of us hurried out in the direction of the woods. Father and the two men spent a lot of energy saving Gensheng from the bottom of the pit. However, he was entirely unconscious. Mr. Chun put his index finger in front of Gensheng's nose to feel his breath. "Breathing! He's still alive!" The man exclaimed. For that moment, I seemed to hear stones falling to the ground. Where did it come from? It might be from everyone's heart. "How cruel these people are to hurt a good man like this." Muttered Zhang. Gensheng's wife was paralyzed on the ground with her vacant eyes, sobbing from time to time. After a while, she calmed down. She wiped away the tears and pulled a piece of cloth from her clothes, and wrapped Gensheng's wound to stop bleeding. "Now what? She looked up with a trace of helplessness in her eyes. "Let's take him to Dr. Wang's house at the entrance of the village," Dad said to the others. The moonlight spread evenly over the river. On the surface of the river, the waves are twinkling, and the moonlight is hazy on the water vapor of the river, mixed with the fragrance of wildflowers on the bank, which is pleasing to the eye. I didn't know why the moonlight seemed to be brighter than before, flashing the light of hope, rather than a depressing pale. The moonlight was clear, simple, beautiful, and pure. I breathed a sigh of relief and thought, "I ran fast tonight!" This is destined to be an extraordinary moonlit night. Because my father who is always on duty, is off duty for the first time, and Gensheng, who is never late, is also late. But thankfully, everything seems to be destined, just right.











