E xerl'se Helle... everuone, Iam5ohuppytotellЧeuabout. -the. mportance of oing exerlend _how.te. keey a healthy lifestle Initly. Itwe dort don't. exertlse for..ona.. time.. webody. will. be b jat.and We may.havemmnydutusb in our b»ly.However, Ifwe. do..exerise v everydayour kooи. wil.. ke. stroger and Stonger.Alolitlonly We shomlh have u health_ltestyleHwto kepa healthu lifesye?In my- opz'nly,We.. shvnld keep.. our. healphylirfeeveyduy Ve(ando more exerile.oreat more.. nprle Ultimfel , doinnexerlie. i5. so improntferus We Shuld. keep A heltly lilstyk.