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您现在的位置:首页> 高中> 高考英语> 真题> 2011年高考英语卷写作表达题目范文汇总(107):父母奖励小孩screen time

2011年高考英语卷写作表达题目范文汇总(107):父母奖励小孩screen time

发布时间:2014-01-03 17:50来源:全国高考编辑:shaun下载作文收藏本文评论
   Howard and Lizzie Sherman, ages 15 and 9, know that they need to complete all their homework and chores(家务) in order to receive their weekly allowance.  The amount may be a little less than usual if they’ve misbehaved or a bit larger if they have done some extra work around the house.
   When the children want to use their allowance, they turn on the family’s computer or television, which is often known as “screen time.”  Screen time can be also spent visiting social networking sites like My Space or instant messaging with friends.  This new currency, used in a growing number of households, works as an allowance because screen time is highly valued by children and teenagers, and usually restricted by parents.  Parents think that their children’s time would be better spent reading a book, playing outside or talking directly to another person.
 2)然后以约120词表达对“父母奖励小孩screen time” 这种做法的看法,并包括以下的内容要点:
a ) 你对“父母奖励小孩screen time” 这种做法的看法;
b ) 以你自己实际的经历说明你的感受。
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