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您现在的位置:首页> 高中> 高考英语> 真题> 2010年高考英语卷写作表达题目范文汇总(25):Failure a Bad Thing

2010年高考英语卷写作表达题目范文汇总(25):Failure a Bad Thing

发布时间:2013-09-22 17:37来源:全国高考编辑:shaun下载作文收藏本文评论
Is Failure a Bad Thing?
Failure is what often happens in our life. Students may fail in exams, scientists may fail in their research work, and athletes may fail in competitions.
Although failure happens to everyone, attitudes towards failure are various. Some people don't think their failure is very important thing at all. So they pay no attention to it. As a result, they will have the same failure many times later. They spend their time and energy on Useless things and they may really be fools as they have thought. Other people are quite different from the people mentioned above. Instead of being distressed and lost, they draw a lesson from every failure and become more experienced. After hard work, they will be successful in the end. It is said that failure is the mother of success. Success will be gained after times of failures so long as we are good at drawing a lesson from our failure.
In my opinion, failure is not a bad thing; the really bad thing is taking a failure as failure or even losing heart after failure.
2.然后以约120个词就"Is‘Failure a Bad Thing?”这个主题写一篇短文,至少包括、以下内容要点:
1) 失败并不是一件坏事,但从失败中再站起来,的确不是一件易事;
2) 失败对一个胜利者、成功者来说,却是重要的基本功和必修课;
3) 你对失败的看法和态度如何?
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