- 要求:
The table below gives information about the difference between life expectancy and infant morality. Write an essay of 160-200 words. Your essay should
1、describe the difference between life expectancy and infant morality
2、possible reasons
3、give your comment
You should write neatly on your ANSWER SHEET2.

From the bar chart given above, we can observe that the life expectancy and infant mortality experienced some changes during the past several years. From 1960 to 1990, the life expectancy increased from 40 years old to roughly 60 years old. During the same period, the rate of infant mortality decreased from nearly 20% to 10%.
The bar chart inform us of the phenomenon that people can live longer nowadays. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon ? Reasons can be listed as follows: for one thing, with the improvement of living standard, elderly people in mounting numbers are placing a high value on health care, thus people can live longer than ever before. When it comes to the decline of the rate of infant mortality, it can be attributed to the improvement of medical technology, many once-seemingly-incurable diseases could be healed nowadays, which means that less infant will suffer from fatal diseases and can lead a longer life.
Rising life expectancy and decline of infant mortality is a symbol of social progress and economic development. However, it will also bring about some undesirable consequences such as the aging of population. Thus, the problem of how to deal with it should be on the agenda.
- 前一篇:2013考研英语二图表作文预测:中国城市事故
- 后一篇:2013年考研英语作文预测话题:诚实
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